HVAC Systems in Freester

Get in touch

If you are getting an HVAC system installed, look no further as ventilation installers provide the best-priced HVAC system installations on the market. 

Our knowledgeable and professional team is here to help you get your new unit installed in no time. 

As professionals in the industry, we know how to install and make sure your HVAC system stays in top condition. 

To talk to our expert team today about everything, Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning, click the link below.


Our aim as HVAC Commissioning Engineers is to ensure we install the HVAC systems correctly and efficiently.

It is also our responsibility to ensure that the system works safely and efficiently at all times after installation.

Enquire above to find more information on how we look after your HVAC system after installation. 

What is an HVAC?

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.

The purpose of the HVAC control system is to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor quality.

The HVAC systems control can be used in cars, homes and working establishments, including offices and factories.  

A heating, ventilation and air conditioning system is a great way to control the room's temperature and ventilate the room to improve the overall air quality. In addition, it lets fresh air in from outside. 

If you've got any questions about an HVAC system, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Different HVAC Systems

To improve your indoor air quality, have a look at our range of HVAC systems.

  • The heating & air conditioning split system is a basic HVAC systems unit. The components are installed on the inside and the outside of the building. They include numerous things such as an air conditioner, furnace and fan, ducts, thermostat and additional accessories such as humidifiers, UV lamps and more.

  • The hybrid heat split system is a more advanced version of HVAC. This has improved energy efficacy and has a heat pump that fuels the H VAC electrically. Like the basic HVAC systems, the hybrid heat split system has all the previous components and an interface controlling system.

  • Duct-free split heating & air-conditioning systems are ideal for existing ducted types of HVACs. These systems have a heat pump or air conditioner, a fan coil, wires, thermostat and various other accessories that may be required.

  • Packaged heating & air conditioning systems can be used in homes or offices with limited space. These are great for confined spaces that range from a single room or a whole house. The system includes an air conditioner and heat pump, evaporator, thermostat, air quality improvers and more if required. 

Depending on how large your home or workplace is will determine what kind of installation you need.

What is the Installation Process? 

The Installation Process will be carried out following CIBSE codes and BSRIA Guidelines.

Our Skilled Engineer will look at a few things before, and during the installation these are: 

Sizing up the Air Conditioner

Before installing, the engineer will need to make sure the HVAC is the right size. If it is too small, your home may not be treated properly. On the other hand, if the unit is too big, it may affect the energy efficiency and turn off before the HVAC has done its job. Therefore, it is important to measure your space and get an engineer out for an estimate. 

Keeping Your Home Energy Efficient 

Energy efficiency is determined through season energy efficiency rating (SEER). Our engineer will estimate this calculate during this inspection. If you have a higher SEER rating, it will be cheaper for you. In addition, our engineer will make sure that the HVAC system continues to maintain home energy efficiency. 

The Best Place to Keep Your HVAC

Our helpful engineer will recommend the best place to install your HVAC. Your HVAC will most likely be noisy. If you have a tucked away storage room like a basement or cellar, this may be a viable option as it can be tucked away in a room that isn't used domestically. 

Extra Note

If your new installation is a duct fitted HVAC unit, extra works may need to be installed to fit the HVAC system. 

What Happens After The Installation Process

After the installation, our skilled engineer will come out and conduct a commissioning process. This is a check to ensure all equipment has been installed properly and in the correct position. 

After this, we make sure the installation meets the manufacturer's requirements and construction details. Our engineer will also write you a custom checklist along with documentation of installed equipment. 

This means we will ensure the HVAC has been installed properly and safely and make sure it makes your home or workplace energy efficient and installed as the manufacturer intended. 

Throughout the time you have the Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning, it is important to ensure regularly commissioned. This is to make sure it is still safe and working to the correct standard. 

How long will my HVAC last? 

As long as your Heating Ventilation Air Conditioner has been commissioned and inspected properly, depending on the system, it will most likely last you fifteen to twenty-five years. 

However, the life span could be less due to:

  • High usage or loads

  • Heating or cooling when windows or doors open

  • The HVAC was installed in a salty and corrosive environment

  • Poor Maintenance 

  • The HVAC not meeting maintenance standards

  • Defective Components

Even though these are all possibilities, the most common practice for an HVAC not lasting its lifespan is oversizing. If the appliance has been under or oversized, this can dramatically affect the lifespan. 

This is why it is important to ensure a trained and knowledgeable engineer, like our ventilation installers team, ensures your appliance is the right size and installed properly.

To speak to one of our knowledgeable and friendly team members, click the link below. 


What affects the cost of an HVAC installation?

There could be few factors that affect the Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning installation costs. These include:

  • The type of AC system

  • The equipment size and cooling capacity

  • The SEER Ratings

  • Additional Installations

  • Where the HVAC is placed in the house

  • If there is Ductwork or your HVAC needs Ductwork Installation

Other Ventilation Services We Offer

Other locations available for hvac systems
Scatsta Voe West Burrafirth Sella Ness Hamar Moarfield Eswick Flanderstown Wick Ollaberry Housabister Gloup Burraland Cova Bird Obsy Ireland Stromfirth Quoys of Catfirth West Sandwick Fladdabister Ocraquoy Gord Collafirth Williamsetter Gardie Skaw Wester Quarff Hestinsetter Vanlop Hogaland Symbister Holmsgarth Copister Brunatwatt Cuckron Da Hametoon Bardister South Aywick Lunnasting Lunna Stanydale Ulsta Hillwell Skelberry North Aywick Kalliness Harrier North Sandwick Gletness Swining Garthspool Skellister Basta Clivocast Noonsbrough Burwick Kirkabister Cumlewick Stonybrake Fogrigarth Nibon Papil Aywick Hillswick Bigton Harkland Burrastow Scousburgh Vats-houll Gulberwick Burnside Da Nort Toons Hoswick Booth of Toft Lunning Vementry Sandsound Innbanks Uyeasound Upper Kergord Leeans West Heogaland Freefield Swarister Cauldhame Stove North Town Cullivoe Upper Neapaback Stenswall Cunnister Windhouse Brettabister Baltasound Mossbank Muness Westing Kirkidale Sound Toab Billister Trondavoe Bixter Southpunds Walls Laxo Camb Wester Skeld Hamister Grimister Mid Walls Bridge End Sumburgh Otterswick Toogs Runn White Ness Northpunds Mid Ho Tirvister Maywick Gunnista Crooksetter Upperton Levenwick Urafirth Effirth Braewick East Houlland Gardin West Yell Boddam Levaneap Gunnister Beosetter North Roe Voxter Westerwick Burrafirth Brake Marrister Quendale Easter Skeld Lea Gardens Cott Lowersound Skeggie Busta Uppersound Challister Ure Gillsbreck Bruray Biggings Sullom Haa of Houlland Girlsta Wadbister The Houllands Valsgarth Braehoulland South Scousburgh East Burrafirth Herra Mailand Reawick Benston Quoys Exnaboe Kettlester Scarvister Clibberswick Housetter Kellister Raga Quhamm Unifirth Upperdale South Gluss Neap Melby Hellister Mid Yell Brough Upper Urafirth Easter Quarff Mangaster Silwick Hamnavoe Greenmow Laxfirth Scarff Duncansclett Huxter Upper Neepaback Garderhouse Gremista Isbister Bremirehoull Lunnister Colvister Ayres of Selivoe Bothen Port Arthur Haggersta Gruting Rerwick Ringasta Heogan Channerwick Houbie Burragarth Houss Hamars South Nesting Barnafield Laxobigging Sandness Brindister Hestaford Dale of Walls South-haa Dury Setter Mail Ramnageo Vatsetter Sellafirth Leebitten Vidlin Assater Aith Funzie Tulkie Burravoe Stonybreck Cunningsburgh Eastshore Freefield Littlester Housay Baliasta Veensgarth South Stromness Railsbrough Bousta Saltness Firth Noss Tangwick Brae Grindiscol Cannygates Underhoull North Gluss Heglibister Vassa West Houlland Haggrister Gossabrough Houlland Tumblin Flukes Hole Crawton Hestingott Grobsness Grunasound Midbrake Gonfirth North Collafirth Grutness Graven Da Toon o Ham Sefster Uradale Engamoor Gott Northdale Ordale Heylor Tresta Garth Scalloway Swinister Clousta Punds Voesgarth Norby Norwick Sandvoe Nisthouse Twatt Lerwick Sandwick Catfirth Clate Haroldswick Wethersta Troswickness Kirkaton Scatness Caldback Bridge of Walls Semblister Gutcher Gillarona Creediknowe Aithsetter Culswick Stonganess Flugarth Browland Freester Ramah Weisdale Omunsgarth Breiwick